Eighty-Twenty Group exists to solve the critical issues facing our clients, both large and small. Our unique approach is not only what differentiates us, but also what makes us successful. We provide a broad range of services and solutions to help organizations facilitate change, achieve their vision and optimize performance and productivity.
​We are your partner and advocate
Review organization's strategic business and operational objectives as well as company culture
Analysis of business applications and processes
Overview of IT
Interviews with subject matter experts and key stakeholders
Collection of discovery material
Define unique functional requirements for future solution
Eighty-Twenty Group's process focused and data driven team with work with your business and technology resources through a series of interviews to understand your business, data and overall information management and technology structure. Our ability to communicate efficiently with all levels of your organization, allows us to fully document your current state environment and perform a gap analysis.
Jumping into a brand new platform is not always the best solution, therefore our future state recommendation will always consider alternative approaches, while considering your resources, company culture and alignment to your strategic business and operational objectives.
No matter the solution, let us help communicate a business use case you can take to your executive team that clearly identifies the risks, opportunities and ROI.
Either prepare for you or act as a sounding board to ensure your IT spend has purpose and aligns to your strategic business objectives
Help you define opportunities to improve governance and security where it may be lacking
Identify and suggest recommendations to further optimize your objectives while reducing risk and costs
Visual application and technology roadmaps
​There are many components to building your IT strategy and roadmap. It goes without saying that your vision should be in line with the strategic business and operational objectives of your organization, not to mention your guiding principles. Awareness into emerging technologies and their potential impact on your organization and your resources capability to support them will be a fundamental component as well.
Maintaining the competitive edge of any organization is an ongoing process. Let Eighty-Twenty Group help you assess the many items involved in creating your organization's short and long term strategy and IT roadmap, implementing that ever important governance structure that you can adhere to or budgeting your annual spend.
We will work with you to create a budget of both hard and soft costs that you can stick to and follow-through on for success
Implementation timeline with milestones, including risk factors and contingency plans
Cost vs Benefit analysis and metrics for measuring
Budgetary approval can be difficult as some finance executives have a limited understanding of the technology space. The most effective budgets are transparent and explain how value will be delivered to the business over a period of time, including a clear return to the organization and payback period for completing the effort.
Obtaining costs such as software licenses, hosting solutions, hardware, implementation, data migration, training, change management, consultants, support and other contingencies is no simple task when you are running an IT organization. Our team is skilled at properly aligning such costs into a project timeline that presents clearly and credibly to your executive team.
​Similarly, creating or updating your annual IT budget has its own set of demands. Oftentimes organizations find themselves over spending due to siloed business units or failing to govern their technology spend. Leverage Eighty-Twenty Group's depth and experience in the technology space to help you assess and perhaps consolidate spend, understand potential impact of emerging technologies and how they may impact your overall strategy and budget.
Technical experience in software development, cloud infrastructure, and delivery challenges to help shape solutions while reducing potential for unexpectedly long, drawn-out deployments
Ensure tactical deliverables align to overall program strategy
Identify, avoid and correct impending problems such as costly customizations or overly complex processes
Experience optimizing for short-term execution while planning for long-term technical capabilities
​There are many components to building your IT strategy and roadmap. It goes without saying that your vision should be in line with the strategic business and operational objectives of your organization, not to mention your guiding principles. Awareness into emerging technologies and their potential impact on your organization and your resources capability to support them will be a fundamental component as well.
Maintaining the competitive edge of any organization is an ongoing process. Let Eighty-Twenty Group help you assess the many items involved in creating your organization's short and long term strategy and IT roadmap, implementing that ever important governance structure that you can adhere to or budgeting your annual spend.
​Crisis leadership and navigation
We are our client's advocate and represent their best interests the entire way
Provide roadmap for and orchestrate complete recovery
Form initial response and recovery teams
We decrease the 'typical' recovery timeline via structure, organization and proper resource alignment
Business Recovery
Possibly one of the most vulnerable times for any organization should they be the unfortunate victim of a ransomware attack. Time is of the essence and depending on the impact of the attack can often force an organization to close for good. This also opens the door to experts taking advantage of your situation and failing to represent your best interests: maintaining your employees, earning revenue and keeping your business open. Ransomware attacks are becoming more frequent and often times the severity of the attack is withheld from public knowledge, in addition to the attack itself.
Eighty-Twenty Group recognizes the complexities and sensitive nature when dealing with insurance carriers, forensic attorneys and analysts, negotiators and even the threat actors during this time. We will help build an expert response and recovery team that understands infrastructure, security, end-points, applications and the business processes in between.
Eighty-Twenty Group's crisis leadership, alignment of focused partners, and structured process is critical to the response and recovery process. We are your trusted advocates and advisors who will deliver results through a cost-effective management solution.